Divide and present content in sequenced steps.
import { Stepper, Step } from '@skeletonlabs/skeleton';
This example Stepper will teach you how to use this component. Tap next to proceed to the next step.
Create a set of Steps within the Stepper, then use the on:complete
event to detect when all steps are complete. Since
horizontal space may be limited on small screens, we recommend no more than five steps at max.
function onCompleteHandler(e: Event): void { console.log('event:complete', e); }
<Stepper on:complete={onCompleteHandler}>
<!-- ... -->
Next and Previous
Events are fired when the next or previous steps are pressed.
<Stepper on:next={onNextHandler} on:back={onBackHandler}>...</Stepper>
Step Slots
Each Step component supports a header
and default
(read: content) slot region.
<svelte:fragment slot="header">(header)</svelte:fragment>
Locked State
Each Step can have a locked
property set, when set to TRUE this locks progression for that step. For example, you
can lock a step until a form within it becomes valid.
let lockedState: boolean = true;
<Step locked={lockedState}>...</Step>