App Rail
A side navigation rail component
import { AppRail } from '@skeletonlabs/skeleton';
Selected Tile: 1
Create a Svelte writable store to house the selected tile value.
import { writable, type Writable } from 'svelte/store';
const storeValue: Writable<number> = writable(1);
Implement your App Rail component and append the selected
prop and store.
<AppRail selected={storeValue}>
<svelte:fragment slot="lead">
<!-- AppRailTiles -->
<!-- AppRailTiles -->
<svelte:fragment slot="trail">
<!-- AppRailTiles -->
Adding Tiles
Create one or more rail tile components within your app rail's available slots.
<AppRailTile label="Tile" title="Tile" value={1}>(icon)</AppRailTile>
Anchor Tiles
Alternatively, you can use tag="a"
to convert any tile to an anchor link, then append
href, target, rel, and other attributes as needed.
<AppRailTile tag="a" href="/my/page/route">(icon)</AppRailTile>
To set an active state for an anchor link, compare the tile href URL to the active page URL using $page.url.pathname. Then set a background color or other visual indicator via the Svelte class syntax.
import { page } from '$app/stores';
<AppRailTile tag="a" href={tileUrl} class:bg-primary-500={tileUrl === $page.url.pathname}>